I have just about all the supplies I need for my creation, all I need is a tarp, spray paint and the light I mentioned earlier. I could easily get that off of amazon but first I need money, If I do start it this weekend I don't know what day I'm going to start . I'm slightly busy this weekend so I will try to make time and possibly post pictures if I do start.
So i said I was starting my skateboard last blog, but I lied so this weekend I'm going to maybe mess around with the deck see what I could do. Worst case scenario I don't start on it, but I will try to start it. I have all my materials needed to create it I just need to find time to do it.
Since I have nothing else to do this weekend I'm going to start my skateboard. I have most of my supplies I just need spray paint and a tarp, plus I found something new I want to add to my board called a ''electroluminescent wire''. What this basically does is make the board glow a neon color, and I found one for $4.80 online, so I'm going to convince my mom into getting that for me. I'll try to publish pictures but I do not have my phone so that is a maybe.
This weekend I'm going to start my skateboard, I already have the deck for it i just have to sand down the deck, get spray paint and a tarp, and get the hardware to put the board together. If I can I will post pictures but i cant make any promises. It is not for sure if i can start actually because there is the dance this weekend, but I will try  

I did not go into much detail what the parts were used for last time I wrote a blog so I'm going to explain. The deck came first which is the board itself, then the trucks these are used for holding the wheels in place but can also be used for turning by leaning, next is the bearings these hold the wheels to the trucks the better the bearing the better the wheel spins, then there is the wheels which is self explanatory 
My 20 time project is designing a skateboard, I choose this because I've skateboarded for a long time so I wanted to do something i actually enjoy. The main audience I'm targeting is skaters or anyone with a interest in skateboarding. My main resources will probably be skate shops, Hopefully this shouldn't be all that hard all i really have to do is sand down the deck, spray paint my design on the bottom and buy trucks, wheels, bearings and the hardware to hold the trucks to the deck. I'm most likely going to start this weekend.
Hi my name is Justin and this is my first blog, for my project i decided to make my own skateboard. I'm having my friend My'kel come over to test it for me, just in case i did something wrong he's the one to fall (sorry not sorry). He takes pain better than i do so i compromised, he also agreed to do it.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

